Thursday, September 15, 2022

What Is Media?

Thursday 15 September 2022

lo:to discuss what media is and it impacts our lives.

. definition -"the main means of mass communication "

different types of media:

. tv
. streaming 
. movies/flims 
. newspaper 
. social media 
. websites 
. search webs 
. email 
. advertising 
. podcasts
. texts 
. apps 
. gaming /video games 
. radio 


- a sign can be any physical form to which we give meaning , including words, pictures, colours ,clothes ect 

subject position - 13 year old straight female , born in London but currently live in Bodmin  , student at Bodmin college and a sister to 3 , 

Celebrity Magazine Covers – Billboard

 subject position - 

a 45 year old man ,straight with a wife and kids who makes a minimum wage - if he saw this he would decode this and most likely think that its a woman on a cover for party looks modeling and he would have no interest about it and probably look onto another magazine 

a 17 year old girl who loves tv series and works at a shop in her town and makes a couple pounds £ an hour - she would defiantly recognise the celebrity lea Michele from a tv series glee and examine the magazine to see what its about and take interest in as to why she's on the front cover 

denotation - the dictionary definition 

connotation - the deeper meaning - what we associate with the word 

gun- people can associate with this is that theres death and gang related things to do with a gun 

clown -people can rather think its a killer clown or horror or rather to do with a kids party or movie 
thor - people can just guess he is a super hero and in battle  or a man in armour with a hammer with no ability , power 


lo:To analyse texts using the correct terminology. 

everyone knows the famous Kevin the carrot advert 

  but if they didn't three connotations on this can be :

. that Aldi has a expressing touch for christmas topics 

. Aldi has magical food (taste wise )

. suggest that creativity is involved within  there food and with the bright colours 

. people could get from this that Aldi has a wide range of fun and happiness with all the food characters and different ranges of food to have for a christmas day . 

west side story connotation: 
1. the way the characters are standing and the male is on the edge suggests there is adventure and limits as it seems like he isn't allowed to see her hence why he looks like he just climbed up instead of going through the front door.

2. the background and lighting says that poverty and struggle is involved as everything seems to be worn down and rusty with old styled washing techniques 

3. their clothing suggests that its within a 1960's timeline as its old fashioned tidy look and the male seems to be all smart as if he was at a fancy event 

4. their body language suggests there is a love story within it as they seem like they are meant for each other but cant really see each other. 

5. the font suggests that theres a old and 'beat up'  vibe to it all  and its based on  dirty abused areas.

Thursday 29 September 2022

what does mise-en-scene mean?-the arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film.Examples of this is the setting, lighting, actors, décor and makeup.And setting,actor positioning,props and body language (including facial positions) 

stranger things season one miss-en-scene 

1 .the colour scheme suggests it has dark cold theme to it 

2  .the wired fences in the background suggests it has a mystery lab to it or something happens with a lab ?

3 .some of the characters facial expressions suggests they're scared or worried 

4 . it shows its based in the 80s / 90s because the characters have old clothing and the style of the poster gives an old printed/video game theme 

5. the girl who takes up the most space suggests she can be the main focus to this  season because she seems to be posing (possibly has powers) and is dressed in this hospital gown it possibly could have something to do with the mystery lab man and fence in the background! 

the mes in this scene can suggest :

. he is at a carnival which can connote  that  he  is rather there for fun or wandering around 

his clothing can connote  otherwise though as he looks like he is a business man or trying to find someone 

. his bag can   connote he isn't there to have fun or anything but that he is doing some private business with someone or a group and the way he is walking looks as if he is in a rush as he is swinging  his arms and very slouched with his back 

. there seems to not be barley any people there which can  connote that its not a popular area or there nobody as its night 

. everyone around him is wearing the same things as him which can connote that he is trying to blend in and not seem sketchy or suspicious 


this includes : transitions,pace and speed of cuts,CGI (computer generated  imaging ), green screening, graphics 

cut to different scene (straight cut )
jump cut -jump around a scene jump around time to cut out little bits of the scene to show time is passing 
parallel editing -(cross cutting )-having two clips play at the same time like when two characters are on a phone call and cut between the clips so both play but we see both as we cut in-between the clips 
cutaway - the purpose of informing the audience of where the scene is or where the character is 
montage-alot  of clips randomly put together to show what happening in a coarse of time to demonstrate change 
match cut-matching a characters actions into the next scene 

Tuesday 4th October 2022

media institutions- 

media audiences-

media representation- 

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PPE improvement

section A  POSSIBLE TEXTS -  magazines ( vogue & GQ) , marketing , newspapers , print adverts ( quality street & this girl can)  que...