
Film Industry 

L/O: to explore the aims and conventions of film posters 

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different film studios: universal , warner bros , disney , 20th century fox , lions gate, paramount , sony, dream works, asylum , pixar   

franchise: a series of films based on an original idea or adapted from a book 

terminologya group of specialised words and respective meanings in a particular field, and also the study of such terms and their use

distributor:a company that markets and organises the distribution of a film 

hollywood major : a large film production company that dominates Hollywood . 

teaser:A fragment or montage of a film or of a television or radio programme intended to entice audience members to want to watch or listen to the subsequent production.

montage:a piece of work produced by combining smaller parts, or the process of making such a work:

ensemble cast:a group of people or things making up a complete unit. a group of characters that have more or less equal roles in a production: not always a main protagonist 

tentpole film:one that is expected to make a lot of money, and also to help persuade people to spend money on products connected with it

high-concept:is a type of artistic work that can be easily pitched with a simple idea.

enigma: this code refers to mystery within a text a question that encourages an audience to watch/read on to find  the answer to.

questions :
1).Universal, Paramount, Warner Bros., Disney, and Sony
2)to generate excitement, give a little bit away, and excite and entice audiences to actually watch your film.
3).content marketing , social media , email marketing , trailers , posters etc , influencers/ stars of the movie 
4).the theme , content of the film and information about actors , promotion etc 

example of a teaser poster (spider man)

example of theatrical ( spider man)

6). hunger games , star wars , avengers , lord of the rings , fast and furious , 

- home work -

Research about James bonds :an action movie about a spy working for the British government names James Bond (007) there is a total of 7 actors who have played the character of James Bond . Sean Connery being the most successful out of the bunch .his full name is James Herbert bonds.This franchise had started filming in 1962 with a total of 25 films being produced .The 00 in his name signifies his licence to kill meanwhile the 7 is his identification within the MI6


Film Posters
L/O: to analyse the film poster set texts effectively

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its about a spy for the British government- James bond 
its a well known franchise and James bond is played by a lot of different actors 

no time to die was a James bond film released in the uk on the 30th of September 2021 , after a global premiere at royal Albert hall on the 28th September 2021.Staring Daniel Craig as 007 , this is his fifth and final performance as James bond the fictional MI6 agent. The release was delayed due to a change in director and COVID-19.
The film was produced by a british company EON productions and distributed to uk cinemas by universal pictures. No time to die is available to stream on amazon prime 
The films budget was an estimated $250-301 million, making it the most expensive bond film to date , so far it has grossed over $774 million worldwide at the box office. 
main image : shows a montage of characters with Daniel Craig being the biggest emphasising he is the most important character ( James bonds) . The cast has a range of ages and diversity and ages having different representations.Mid shot of James Bond. 
colour palette:  there is a colour palette of blue yellow and black , these colours can connote manly features or a stereotyped with men and the yellow , red colours can link with danger and fire linking to the movie overall. contrast between warm and cool colours.
Typography: the font is sans-serif and in block capitols connoting a very masculine / modern font .But it also looks like a military font showing connotations to secret services , fighting etc. 
mise-en-scene: the mise-en-scene used helps emphasise the danger/ action theme to it with guns , suits and action like poses and facia expressions with the characters shown. and also it shows females carrying guns emphasising she is apart of the services and connotes conflict, violence and fighting linking to the franchise and genre. three of the characters are using direct adress
genre: it includes exotic locations and guns , and serious facial expressions 
release date: close to eater break times meaning it can give it a big audience due to everyone being off and having time to.  
logo: the logo 007 looks like a gun to show of its action genre and the colour ties with the rest of the pallet . James bond is also covering the logo because the logo is already so noticeable people already recognise it even when its covered. the no time to die title suggests. its a very fast action packed movie but also suggests someone is going to die within the movie 


Film posters 

do now 
5 facts about James Bond : 7 actors have played James bond , started filming 1962, target audience is men , 25 films where produced , Ian Fleming wrote James Bond


the montage design , where separate images are laid over each other , references previous bond films , providing a sense of familiarity , nostalgia , and pleasure to fans who recognise the link. The 007 gun logo acts as an intertextual link between no time to die and previous Bond films . it has become synonymous . It is significant that there is no intertextual reference to Ian Fleming ( the author of the books ) on the posters- this is a departure from previous bond books , this can suggest that this movie is not based off an Ian Fleming book.

what locations are shown?-  a bar , a location of a city in the mountains showing more exotic locations , suggesting traveling and action etc .  
which props character roles can we see on the poster - villain( guy in the mask with the gun), hero ( James Bond). and a princess type character ( the blonde girl in the lower corner).
what enigma codes have been constructed?-  whys the car on fire ? , who's the guy in the mask ? etc.

James bond is an action hero since the 60's , he has been given very masculine stereotypes , independence , skills , strength .
meanwhile the representation of women is much different who have been targeted as " bond girls" they are used as a love interest and are insignificant to narrative and aren't usually in the next movies 
the representation of both genders has evolved over time due to a change in social context . Craig Bond is not as sexist and overtly stereotypical as the earlier incarnation of the character and reflects some contemporary notations of masculinity as his Bond is older , more thoughtful and shows signs of vulnerability. 
Hollywoods representation of race and ethnicity has shifted significantly over the decades . Mainstream audience expectations have changed because of the numerous events and individuals.  

stereotypes: James bond is always presented in a masculine way and is dressed in a very posh / manly style with the suits and polished looks but on the other hand some of the girls are presented to be very neat and tidy with their looks but two of them are holding weapons which suggests they hold an important role in the movie.
representation of gender: the females are always presented to be dressed nicely or presented meanwhile the males are shown to be strong and brave 
representations of ethnicity: there is a range of ethnicity including black white characters in the montage and in the past very few people with black ethnicity have been shown in bond films and are usually the villain. 
representations of age: there is a lot of different ages in the poster an James bond is shown to be older then the previous actors who have played James bond but i general the aim is at young adults 
representations of sexuality: hasn't really been represented because there isnt any obvious signs of homosexuality other then fans of the franchise knowing that James and Madeline have history  


-do now-
being muscular or having good looks 
having strength and being brave 
colours that link with secrets and danger . 
usually holding a weapon . ( expert in using it ) 
they don't have a normal lifestyle.


film posters 
L/O: to analyse a historical film poster effectively 

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 younger / attractive actors for bond  
includes bond girls who are attractive 
they have to be dressed well 
ethnic stereotypes and heteronormative 

 the man with the golden gun context : 
roger Moore second time as bond - he was well known for playing in a series the saint and playing bond in previous film, live and let die .The film was estimated to cost around £7 million to create and grossed over £97 million at the world wide box office . The film  was created in 1974 but was set in the middle of 1973 in the energy crisis , which oil producing Arab nations proclaimed an oil embargo causing an oil crisis which had short and longterm affects.

1). They have used a montage of clips to show what will be included in the movie and what type of scenes would be included , also the genre and shows locations 
2). the connotations of the main image of bond can show many things : that he is serious and good when it comes to his job , or how he is dedicated and an expert and the direct address could have been used to make him look more serious and calm in the moment and that its central shows that he is the main character . the gun can also represent danger and that he is involved in a dangerous job. 
3). The gun can give connotations of wealth,  and hierarchy  and suggests the man with the golden gun i the villain and that the bullet is designed to shoot James Bond. 
4). The text is used to appeal the audience by emphasising the actors name and the characters name making it appealing to those who like the actor and watch the Bond franchise. 
5). the enigma codes created - who's the man in with the golden gun?  why is the bullet meant for Bond? What makes him want to kill Bond?
6). we can see the hero , the 'princess' in a way as it includes girls . and the villain as it includes the gun
7). the guns , fire and explosions included in the poster show the action side and the different locations help show the adventure of the movie . 

- Exam Style Question - 
question B
mise-en-scene used in the poster : the man with the golden gun 

The film poster uses mise-en-scene in this poster to create meaning in many ways. For example the use of James Bond in the centre of the poster , he is shown to be in very formal clothing and has a very serious facial expression while holding a gun , this can give of connotations of danger and action within this poster and link towards the genre of the movie . The use of props and effects in this poster also create effects as there is many different buildings , guns and explosions which all give connotations of danger and serious situations.
- Homework -
The James Bond no time to die poster uses images to express meaning in many different ways. For example the use of James in poster , he is shown to be the largest character in the ensemble suggesting he is the main character and emphasising his importance in the movie .He is also shown to be included 3 times in the poster in different locations connoting the theme of adventure and action . 

The James Bond poster used mise - en - scene to show meaning in various ways.this is shown with the use of guns and weapons involved in the poster , using this can connote to action and danger themes emphasising the meaning and themes that are trying to be shown in the poster.Another way it creates meaning would be the use of the formality shown in the outfits the characters are wearing , this can connote a professional theme and sensibility throughout the poster and can give the audience a hint as to what will be expected in the film

the James Bond no time to die poster shows meaning through its layout in many ways . For example the 007 is shown to be covered by James bond connoting it is a very well known franchise and doesn't need to be shown as most people already recognise it. And the layout of all the characters help emphasise which characters are most important / who is the main characters in the movie .



Film Posters 
L/O:to analyse a historical film posters effectively 

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a black suit : expensive , professional , secretive/ private 
the colour gold: rich , special , luxury 
a power plant : dangerous , radioactive , Chernobyl.  

at the start of the 20th century , many film depictions of minority ethnic groups supported the dominant stereotypes of the time to be pitied, to be laughed at the exotic and/or dangerous. While society was progressing towards racial equality by the 1970's , some of these stereotypes were still in evidence in mainstream film . In addition , it is interesting to consider this poster in the context of the move towards gender equality's 


stereotypes: the stereotypes shown in this include , women in the poster being expressed as attractive and made to look like they're there for show . Another would be the way James Bond is presented as a spy he is shown to have the classical fancy spy look with a gun which is mostly used when involving spy's . also with the action genre in general you have the stereotypical fire , explosions and danger used within the poster . 

representations of gender: The representations of gender is shown to be very stereotypical , the females are shown to be very attractive and not wearing much emphasising they're only there for show and " bond girls"  showing off a male gaze theory . Meanwhile James Bond is shown to be strong and serious showing basic stereotypes of boys 

representations of ethnicity: there is shown to be very outdates views of ethnicity representations due to there having no ehtnic people being shown in the poster and primarily just white people . 

representations of issues & events:  the most recent event from the time was the 1973 global energy crisis. the backdrop of the film involves this event and by using this the producers where trying to make the audience think what would happen if oil did run out .


film industry 
L/O: to explore the process of film making 

do now 
production : manufacturing / making something 
distribution : sharing something around to a specific audience/ group 
marketing: promoting and selling something 
exhibition : a display of something . 

bigger film companies ( conglomerates) will complete all three processes for a film. This is known as vertical integration. E.G warner brothers - they produce , distribute and markets it using it Time warner companies ( companies owned by Warner brothers ) then Warner village cinemas gets the rights and a longer time window to show it than other companies. It is good for the company as it has will lead to more profit overall as they dont have to pay much expense to others 


development stage - this is where ideas are created and the rights are bought the screenplay is written and financing is sought from producers , partner studios and for bug budget studios product placement relationships 

pre- production - coming up with ideas and making a rough plan of the film and securing everything you need for the film in general . ( crew , sets , locations and a production schedule )
production- starting to make and film the movie with recordings , actors , cameras etc 
post production - doing final edits and cuts of the movie to be ready for sharing like visual effects , music , colour grading  and reshooting shots incase anything goes wrong. 

what do producers do ? - oversees the whole film making process , ensures the film budget and overall schedule and just essential in making the film secure the rights to a screenplay, manage crew cast directors and locations equipment and essentials, also manage any problems that occur . 

1). production company for no time to die: Eon productions limited 
2). they are part of conglomerate 
3). high productions 
4). Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Eon Productions
5). Eon productions where involved in most production duties 
6). £214 million for production 
7). Norway , Italy , Jamaca ,London 
8). it took 10 months to film 

distribution and marketing 

L/O: to explore the process of film making 
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production : making the film 
distribution : sharing the film to different areas / cinemas 
marketing: advertising the film to the public 
exhibition : showing the film off to the public 

distribution : the process of making copies of the film for cinema , video on demand, DVD and SDV ( streaming and digital video) release and marketing & promotion. Sometimes producers will show their films at festivals in order to persuade distribution companies to take on their films. Sometimes a conglomerate will delegate the distribution to a smaller company that they own. This is called vertical integration. distributors need to work out and stick to budgets for both creating copies of the film and all aspects of marketing. also to consider release dates and theatrical windows very carefully. for example the best time to release a romance film would be closer to valentines and to be careful with holidays as people might not have a lot money and if a popular film is also coming out at the time. 

1). universal = world wide whic acquired the international distribution rights following the expiration of Sony pictures contracted after the release of specter in 2015, MGM owns the rights in north America  
2).yes they are 
4).universal pictures home entertainment released no time to die on DVD , blue ray in the UK on 20th december 2021 and in the US on 21 december 2021. The 31 day release window of the film is considered a relitively quick turnaround for a film of this size.
5).release date april 20th =. easter 

marketing & promotion 

every institution within every media industry has one important task above all others . to make a profit! the more you make ( revenue) , the more you can invest in other movies . A films success is largely judged upon how much money it makes at the BOX OFFICE aka how many bums on seats in cinemas .
bond is an established franchise which has backers ( financiers) lining up to either advertise a product within the film via product placement or finance part of the film. films are very expensive to make for instance the budget for no time to die was £214 million Hollywood and movie institutions are very cautious about spending to much money on movies and roughly want two times what it costs to make the movie back in profit 

celebrities are used often as a target  to make the film more popular and increase the profit they make and to get the celebrities to promote it  .
trailers where often used as-well to tell the audience how good the movie will be taglines from film posters in the trailers . 
marketing was done after the movie had be produced .print adds space in newspapers and on the radio and some moves use free streaming sites and festivals to show off their movie. 

poster billboards and teasers  and trailers sponsorship , social media 
delays in the release date can affect marketing : the time of release can be affected like the season / month as it can affect the planning and then cause more marketing tactics to keep the hype of the movie alive and to avoid losing peoples attention . 
sponsorship was often used as-well to get their products released . marketing budget i often a quater / half of the production budget . 


marketing & promotion 

do now 
trailer, billboards, posters, celebrities , sponsorship , social media , merchandise 

no time to die promotions used : posters , trailers , sponsorship adverts , celebrity appearances- Adele , Billie , main characters / new characters where interviewed and new writer , director etc , super bowl  adverts, had a world premier at the royal Albert hall in London on the 28th September 2021 

which brands where linked to the film: nokia , astro martin , OMEGA , Toyota, Land rover  , LG monitors .


exhibition & regulation 

L/O: to explore exhibition & regulation in the film industry 

do now
advertising had to try and keep it exciting and products used would be old by the time it was released ,
more money would have been spent making the advertisement last longer . had to reshoot certain scenes


it is the process of exhibiting the film across a range of different media platforms . historically this used to only include cinema release , but as digital technology evolves so does the way in which we watch films. 
exhibition takes place in the following order: 1. cinema release , 2. DVD, pay per view , video on demand , ( recently been released simultaneously ), 3. free to air television ( available on standard tv channels for free to the viewer). 
in the last few years there has been a change in the way audiences watch film .The rise of Netflix , amazon Prime and other streaming sites made film more easily accessible to viewers . They can stream digital copies straight to there tv's , laptops , phones , tablets , This is known as SDV ( streaming and digital video.) 

1). it was in cinemas for 31 days ( a month ) 
2). $774 million ( how much it made in box office )
3).  DVD on the 20th December 2021 VOD 9th November 2021 no it wasn't released simultaneously.  
4). it went free to air in the uk on new years day 2023 and 8pm 
5). its available on amazon , apple tv , google play , you tube 
6). it was very successful on dvd/VOD


film and video release in Britain are amongst the most tightly regulated in the western world .
Age restrictions are placed on all commercially released films by the BBFC and some are even expected to make cuts or alter the film in some way to conform to the guidelines. 
when classifying films the BBFC consider:
context , themes , tone and impact , depiction of discrimination , depiction of drug use , depiction of sex and nudity, 

1). the age classification of no tie to die is 12 due to it having moderate violence and strong language 
2). the financial positives of this age classification is that it allowing a younger audience can expose it to more people and allow more profit to be made rather than it being 15 
3). 12.


Audience appeal 

L/O: to explore the uses & gratification of films 

do now 
1). A 12  is when you buy it , home release . 
12 A is the age rating so anyone over 12 can see it in cinemas but under 12's can see it if accompanied by an adult 

why do we use media ? 
-to share information 
- get up to date with everything going on in the world 
- to message people 
- entertainment 
- socialising 

uses & gratifications theory 

uses and gratification is a theory from two men called Blumler and Katz that audiences take an active role in using the media. what people do with the media . Not what the media does with people 
The theory states that an audience will use a media form for either one of four reasons :

personal identity 
social interaction 

PERSONAL IDENTITY-media products allows audiences to find role models and other people with similar values , 
use of media to reinforce personal values by coming closer to similar and desired people / products 

INFORMATION -use of information can be learned through different forms of media , 
media allows the audience to gain an insight into other peoples lives, the media keeps the audience informed with current events ,people can acquire information , 
knowledge and understand through media products - any social media platform 

ENTERTAINMENT - Use of media to escape the humdrum of their boring life , access media forms to forget about worries and troubles for a while , 
to give a sense of happiness and release from the daily grind ( work , school ) example - Netflix 

SOCIAL INTERACTION- the ability of media products to produce a topic of conversation between other people ,
 media products allow the audience to break down barriers  of time / distance to communicate with others - snapchat , instagram 

entertainment - tv 

TV/ films entertain by creating stories that entice the audience / viewer allowing them to be engaged with the tv/film and can keep the person entertained for a specific amount of time . An example would be Netflix as it allows an audience to have a wide variety of shows and entertainment and can keep a user watching for a while allowing them to have a break , relax from events and troubles throughout the day giving them a sense of happiness and relief. - band 5 

how would they be entertained - due to the genre of the film and the story line , it would entice the audience and keep them entertained throughout the film and the use of action and events would also benefit entertaining the audience.
how would the film promote social interaction?- it can allow the audience to have debates and opinions on the movie causing social interaction 

the film can contribute to personal identity due to having many characters with different backgrounds making others relate and find comfort in them. 

what sort of information would it give ?- information about being a spy and what goes on within that world . 


Audience Appeal 
L/O: to apply uses & gratifications to NTTD 

do now 
1). social interaction 
2). information 
3). personal identity 
4). entertainment 

film posters- entertainment , social interaction 
film trailers - information , social interaction 
website - information , social interaction 
merchandise- entertainment , social interaction 
billboards- information, social interaction  
sponsorship - information, social interaction 

U&G used in the no time to die website would include: information , as it shows information about the movie and the story line but also offers entertainment as it shows the trailer and images of the filming process.  Meanwhile offering posters showing. characters that the audience may relate to so it offers personal identity. and also offers social interaction as it creates a talking point between anyone who has seen it . 

how would the audience find entertainment from the trailer ?
as it shows scenes such as cars sliding , flooding and explosions in buildings and james bond holding guns , weapons etc meanwhile also using loud sounds to add intensity to the scenes such as glass breaking , gun shots . 

The no time to die trailer provides entertainment for its audience  by using many action sequences/scenes . For example the use James Bond holding a gun and firing it towards people . This can create entertainment as it entices the audience making them wonder what is happening in the situation and the use of the high action sounds and props can intrigue people and make them get hyped up for the movie .  


film industry roundup 

L/O: to consolidate our knowledge of the film industry and to apply it to exam style questions  

do now 
 character posters 
the trailer 
images of behind the scenes 
information about the movie and plot . 

exam structure : C1, section B

there will be two questions 
question 3 : a stepped question that will focus on one of the four media industries we will look at ( film , radio , newspaper ,video and games ) 
question 4 : a stepped question that will focus on audiences in relation to one of the four industries 
there will be no unseen sources . you will need to use the case studies as examples 
work to 1 mark = 1 min 

question 3 : industry 
3a) name one of the companies that produce NTTD
3b) briefly explain what a media conglomerate is 
3c) briefly explain what a convergence is 
3d). explain how films use technologies to reach audiences and promote the film. refer to NTTD to support your point 
work to mark = 1 min 

question 4 : audience 
4a) identify two ways in which media producers categories audiences 
4b) briefly explain how NTTD targets audiences 
4c) explain why users visit the NTTD/007 website. refer to the uses and gratifications theory in your answer .


do now 
1). 2 questions.   
2). one mark per minute . 
3). four media industries and the audience . 


3d). Films use technologies to reach audiences and promote the film in various ways . For example the use of  websites and promoting sites to allow the film to get more views , for example no time to die has there own website showing off the behind the scenes and describing the plot of the movie , also including photos of the characters and clips from the film.This is also done to reach fans of the previous movies and allow them to Gain information and to overall promote the movie more. 

meanwhile another way they use technology to promote the film 

4c). Users visit the no time to die website for many different reasons. for example the users may want to gain information  allowing them to see what's happening with the no Time to die movie and to gain information about the plot, characters and certain scenes and to overall gain facts about the movie 

Another reason users may visit the website is for entertainment, people once in a while like to get away from the daily grind of life and enter a sense of relaxation so by visiting the website and gaining all these facts and things about no time to die can keep people happy and watching trailers and learning about different characters overall keeps a person happy and especially a no time to die fan would be very intrigued by the website.

social interaction would be a very common use of going onto the website , fans would follow the accounts shown in the website and interact with other and socialise with one another sharing common interests and talking about no time to die giving there social media accounts more acknowledgment and a lot of conversation about the franchise . 

meanwhile another reason people would be for personal identity . People might go and view specific characters they can feel comfort in and can relate to wether that be gender , race , sexuality or lifestyle in the movie and the characters and they're descriptions posted about them on the website help others relate to things and feel a sense of comfort . 


1). EON productions 
2).media conglomerate : when one big company owns a bunch of smaller media companies 
3).convergence : when digital media channels join together into one platform

4). Films use technologies to reach audiences and promote the film in various ways . For example the use of  websites and promoting sites to allow the film to get more views , for example no time to die has there own website showing off the behind the scenes and describing the plot of the movie , also including photos of the characters and clips from the film.This is also done to reach fans of the previous movies and allow them to Gain information and to overall promote the movie more. 

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 KEY TERMINOLOGY FOR EVERYTHING WHEN ANALYSING : .  A public service broadcaster  (PSB) is  a media outlet that provides content for the pub...